Roles and Duties: The mentor Qualifications of the teacher advisor

1. Have the ability that I love to students Students and individuals well Especially can Reach students Students are good too. Intimacy and friendly with students.

2. Have experience in teaching to meet appropriate. And have enough knowledge in adolescent psychology.

3. Be a morality. Have empathy, reason, and sincerity towards others.

4. Should be in a good mood. And strong temperament.

Teacher and Student

5. Be persistent Have tried And the intention to work.

6. Have the art of speaking. Good attributes of the teacher advisor:
  • Understanding people
  • Friendly
  • Have a sense of humor
  • Stable, not indifferent
  • Have patience
  • Have color, honesty, fair
  • Be sincere
7. Have the art of dealing with others and work tactfully.

8. Kindness. Jobs in the duties of a teacher advisor:
  • They have knowledge and understanding about the curriculum, learning management system, and Assess the results at various levels where classes are held. Teaching in educational institutions As well as various regulations Associated with students, such as education maintenance.
  • Explain and clarify to students. Students know and understand from the beginning of the year that Subjects that students What do students need to study? Each subject that the student Students are required to study in that academic year, useful to students. How students Both in the faculties studied and in the future.
  • Compile details about students. Students in their own responsible groups for the benefit of counseling Or help students - to gain knowledge, to be comfortable, not lonely, with dependable people - to understand themselves and to better understand their problems - to be able to think and solve their problems Better understanding - Increased self-confidence.
  • Give advice on study plans and give approval on teaching Or adding courses for learning
  • To give advice and help with learning problems Provides advice on teaching and learning, learning methods, preparation, exams, etc.

9. Supervise and give advice on behavior.

10. Provide advice and care about coming to study, adaptation, as well as the unhappy problems of students. Students in class.

11. Monitor students' learning.

12. Find students in constant supervision. Provide individual time for counseling on study and personal issues.

13. Contact parents for information about students. Students, including reports of behavior, academic results And student problems Students let parents know To work together to find solutions as possible.

14. Coordinate with other departments such as the Guidance Department, the Administrative Department and the course teachers In the event that students Student has a problem Principles for helping students.
  • Try to clearly point out what the student's problem is.
  • Try to get students. Students take a comprehensive look at the problems and analyze them.
  • Help students. The students looked at the problem deeply. Create a good attitude about the problem.
  • Teachers must make students.

Students decide for themselves how to solve the problem. How to plan for problem solving and how to adapt to various situations to solve it.

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