A postal code (also known as postcode, post code, PIN, or ZIP Code) is a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail.
List of Postal (Zip) Codes, Bangladesh
- List of Postal (Zip) Codes for Barisal Division, BD
- List of Postal (Zip) Codes for Dhaka Division, BD
- List of Postal (Zip) Codes for Rangpur Division, BD
- List of Postal (Zip) Codes for Sylhet Division, BD
- List of Postal (Zip) Codes for Rajshahi Division, BD
- List of Postal (Zip) Codes for Chittagong Division, BD
- List of Postal (Zip) Codes for Khulna Division, BD
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