Written by Reem alsagheer - Last updated: 13:46, January 2, 2019

The Mother 

A mother is a generous heart that does not dry up, and a fountain of patience that does not dry up, and how can it dry up when she was tired and stayed up for long nights in order to raise her children for a good and beneficial upbringing ?! The mother is the refuge from all sadness, anguish and distress. We cannot give her her right in words, and in this article we will present beautiful words and phrases about the mother.

The Mother

Words about the mother

  • Ask me about love, I will answer my mother's heart.
  • When you fall, everyone asks you why you fell except your mother asks you if you were hurt.
  • There's still much goodness as long as I'm on my mom's face.
  • O Lord, extend my mother's life until my grandchildren kiss her hands.
  • Do not believe anyone, not even yourself, if I tell you that someone loves you more than your mother.
  • This world narrows me when my mother grieves.
  • I believed that mothers are small countries. In every mother there is a country that we live in, love and are proud of. A woman is a homeland, our loyalty to her and our belonging to her.
  • You will not find a heart that welcomes you all your time like your mother's heart.
  • This life is empty when it passes without my mother, and it is painful to cry without her laughter. 
  • My mother, the nine-month-old, whom I lived in your belly, does not return her beauty one day, for you the whole world and you are all my feasts. 
  • Often a strong mother makes a real man.
  • Not everyone is like a mom; The more I wanted to hug her, I did, and the more I missed her, I talked. My mother is the friend and the lover.
  • The future of society is in the hands of mothers. If a woman is the cause of the world’s loss, then she alone can save it.
  • The only ones that are everyone is life's entire mom.
  • When your mother believes in your success, she will succeed; This is because her heart prays for you.
  • You will always see your mom right.
  • He who underestimates the capabilities of women, I hope that his childhood will be restored without a mother.
  • My mother is the only one who will not abandon me, will not turn away from me, will not be two-faced, and will call me when I am not alive.
  • Peace be upon my mother, the first homelands and the last exile.

Phrases from the mother

  • No one is like you, mom, for you are my moon in the dark of nights, sunlight in my mornings, you live in you, and on your hands I learned the meaning of unconditional love.
  • A mother dwells in your cold, a restaurant in your hunger, a balm in your pain, a hospital in your illness, a party in your joy, an alarm for you if you sleep, and prayers if you are absent.
  • I seek refuge with Allah three from a world that does not include my mother.
  • The greatest thing that my father has accomplished is choosing my mother.
  • The only place I can rest my head and sleep comfortably on is my mother's lap.
  • I do not care about the details of the holiday anything but the happiness of my mother.
  • Mothers mean something extraordinary, something that those who have lost their mothers know best.
  • It is mercy in a tender palm, the mother being a tender, unfailing light.
  • The mother is not her mother.
  • The mother remains the most beautiful thing in life.
  • Valuables don't happen twice so we only have one mom.
  • My mother's heart and her hug are two sides of the same coin.
  • One can only understand the greatness of a mother when he witnesses a birth.
  • A mother's heart is a deep chasm that will always find forgiveness at its bottom.
  • Love is a thing if there is between two people who do to the other one of them what a mother does to her child. 
  • Nothing gives you more love than the heart of a mother whose candle melted for you.
  • A mom teaches you everything except how to live without her.
  • They asked me which women do you like? So I said: Whoever waited for me nine months, received me with her tears and joy, and raised me at the expense of her health, she is the one who will remain the greatest love forever in my heart, my mother.
  • O God, Lord of the heavens and the earth, for every second that she spent raising us and woke up to our comfort and endured for us to raise her levels in Heaven, to forbid her face on fire, and to give her a pleasant drink with your Prophet and your beloved Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family.
  • Beautiful my mother, all without exception.
  • Mom, lady of all humans, oh my eyes 

Beautiful phrases about the mother

  • My mother and the mother of those who recite, God has made them among the seventy thousand, who will enter Heaven without punishment.
  • Her feet are heaven, her hands are mercy, her chest is a nation, her voice is a recitation, her face is light, and her donation is a sea. I see in her what you do not see, my mother.
  • If I didn't know that mothers are just human, I would have sworn that they are angels.
  • O God, make my mother one of the ladies of Paradise, O God, explain her chest to her, make her easy for her, make her anguish for her and prolong her life for me, O Lord of the Worlds.
  • My mother laughs, time stops a little and takes a picture.
  • For your life, my mother, you are the guide. I look forward to you if something breaks down and the ankles are weak, a heavy burden for my mother, who is like my mother.
  • A mother is everything in this life, she is consolation in sadness, hope in despair, and strength in weakness.
  • The mother is forced to punish her son, but soon she takes him into her arms.
  • In you, my mother, I can know God and see heaven.
  • My mother learned from her that I think about me when I talk to young people, and how I raise my words when I discuss adults and I do not oppose their conversation and listen to them respectfully.
  • My mother is a love that cannot be spoken or written.
  • My beloved mother, if I write the volumes of the world, I will not fulfill them or any of her rights.
  • Men are made by their mothers.
  • The mother is a symbol of infinite love and giving, generosity, patience and sacrifice.
  • It is the mother who gives and does not wait to receive in return for the giving.
  • No matter how beautiful the blessings are , my mother remains the most beautiful.
  • The mother, a holy candle, illuminates the night of life with humility, tenderness and interest.
  • Mom, I will write to you knowing that my writing is an insecure emotionality.
  • There is nothing in this world sweeter than the heart of a godly mother.

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