Junior School Certificate (JSC) Examination 2019

English 1st Paper Suggestion

Seen Comprehensions:
  • Nakshi Kantha is a ..... .... ... .. . embroidered on them.
  • Communication of ideas  ..... .... ... .. . 
  • The word ‘hygiene’ ..... .... ... .. . and happy life.
  • Health is the condition ..... .... ... .. . 
  • Shamima’s misery ..... .... ... .. . famous designer.
  • River gypsies in ..... .... ... .. .  
  • Once upon a time, a ..... .... ... .. . think about me?
  • Bangladeshi cuisine ..... .... ... .. . 
  • Zara lives with her ..... .... ... .. . in the forms.
  • The ethnic people in ..... .... ... .. . sport for them.
  • A six year old boy ..... .... ... .. . 
  • At the farthest corner ..... .... ... .. . 
Unseen Comprehensions:
  • Albert Einstein
  • Ferdousi, the great poet.
  • George Washington.
  • Lord Byron Was
  • Joynul Abedin was ..... .... ... .. . 1976 in Dhaka.
  • John Donne was ..... .... ... .. . prose piece.
  • Jinananda Das was.
  • Rabindranath Tagore.
  • Begum Rokeya was ..... .... ... .. . in to a deep gripe.
  • The Nobel Prize is ..... .... ... .. . Inventing X-ray.
  • The moon is  ..... .... ... .. . to the spaceship.
  • Mather Teresa ..... .... ... .. . for humanity.
  • Marconi was in ..... .... ... .. . in 1937.
  • Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir.
  • The great ship Titanic ..... .... ... .. . been flooded.
*** A dialogue between doctor and patient.
*** A dialogue between salesman and customer.
*** A dialogue between you and headmaster (about T.C).
*** A dialogue between you and your father about preparation for the J.S.C examination.

Between You and Your friend:
  • About Importance of Learning English.
  • Your aim in life.
  • Your Favourite Hobby.
  • Village life and city life.
  • How to do well in the Exam.
  • How to make a good result.
  • Street Accident
  • Load Shedding.
  • Early Rising.
  • Plan to spend the summer vacation.
  • An exciting football match.
  • Bad sides of illiteracy and how to eradicate it.
  • Importance of Reading Books/ Newspaper/ Tree Plantation
  • How to speak English fluently/ The Necessity of Learning English.
  • How to open a bank account.
  • Mobile phone/ Facebook/ Internet.
Quick Navigation: JSC Exam-2019 Routine


  • A Day Labourer
  • A Rickshaw Puller
  • A Moonlit Night
  • A Rainy Day
  • A Winter Morning
  • A School Magazine
  • A Street Beggar
  • A Street Hawker
  • A Street Accident
  • Traffic Jam
  • Load Shedding
  • International Mother Language Day
  • Your visit to a place of historical interest
  • How to become a good student
  • Your School Library
  • Tree Plantation
  • National Flag
  • Early Rising
  • A Tea Stall
  • A Book Fair
  • Mobile Phone


  • One summer day, a crow got very thirsty. It searched ..... .... ... ... .
  • One day a hare met a tortoise on the way. The hare laughed ..... .... ... ... .
  • One day a lion was sleeping in its cave.A mouse was playing ..... .... ... ... .
  • Once upon a time,two friends were walking through a forest.They ..... .... ... ... .
  • Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose ..... .... ... ... .
  • Once in a very hot day a fox came to a vineyard where he saw some grapes ..... .... ... ... .
  • There lived a wood cutter in a village. One day he ..... .... ... ... .
  • A farmer had three 5 sons ..... .... ... ... .
  • A shepherd/ cowboy ..... .... ... ... .
  • A fox without tail ..... .... ... ... .
  • A spider inspires a king ..... .... ... ... .
  • Sheikh Saadi
  • Robert Bruce
  • Unity is Strength.
  • Dividing the Bread


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