List of Important Abbreviations of Bangladesh

» AID: Agency for International Development

» BAEC: Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission

» BAPEX: Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Limited

» BARD: Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development

» BARI: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute

» BASIS: Bangladesh Association of Software ad Information Services

» BBA: Bachelor of Business Administration

» BCB: Bangladesh Cricket Board

» BELA: Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association

» BEPZA: Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority

» BGB: Border Guard Bangladesh

» BIRDEM: Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders

» BJMC: Bangladesh jute Mills Corporation

» BNCC: Bangladesh National Cadet Corps

» BNP: Bangladesh NationalistParty

» BOA: Bangladesh Olympic Association

» BOU: Bangladesh Open University

» BR: Bangladesh Railway

» BRAC: Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee

» BRDB: Bangladesh Rural Development Board

» BRRI: Bangladesh Rice Research Institute

» BRTC: Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation

» BSc: Bechelor of Science

» BSS: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha

» BTCL: Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited

» BTB: Bangladesh Tea Board

» BTRC: Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission

» BUET: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

» CNG: Compressed Natural Gas

» DB: Detective Branch

» DC: Depoty Commissionar

» DESA: Dhaka Elecrric Supply Authority

» DGFI: Directorate General of Forces Intelligence

» DIG: Deputy Inspector General (of Police)

» DMP: Dhaka Metropolitan Police

» ECNEC: Executive Committee of National Economic Council

» EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone

» EPZ: Export Processing Zone

» FBCCI: Fedaration of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry

» FDC: Film Development Corporation

» GDP: Gross Domestic Product

» GNP: Gross National Product

» ICDDRB: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh

» IDB: Islamic Development Bank

» LGRD: Local Government and Rural Development

» LPG: Lequefied Petroleum Gas

» MBA: Master of Business Administration

» MDG: Millennium Development Goals

» MP: Member of Parliament

» NAEM: National Academy for Educational Management

» NBR: National Board of Revenue

» NCTB: National Curriculum and Textbook Board

» NGO: Non Government Organization

» NIEM: National Institute of Educational Management

» NIPORT: National Institute of Population Research and Training

» NSI: National Security Intelligence

» PATC: Public Administration Training Center

» PRSP: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

» PSC: Public Service Commission

» RAB: Rapid Action Battalion

» RAJUK: Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripokkha

» RRI: River Research Institute

» SUST: Shajalal University of Science and Technology

» TCB: Trading Corporation of Bangladesh

» TIB: Transparency International Bangladesh

» TSC: Teacher Student Center

» UGC: University Grants Commission

» UNB: United News of Bangladesh

» UNO: Upazila Nirbhai Officer

» VAT: Value Added Tax

» VGFP: Vulnerable Group Feeding Programme

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