We have added Rearrange according to correct order/ sequence. We hope that if you study its, will be helpful for you to answer the question about Rearranging Sentences.21. Amartya Sen
Amartya Sen, the prominent figure, after Rabindranath has made us proud wining the Nobel prize as a Bengali. The greatest Bengali economist was born at Dhaka on November 1933. His parents were ardent follower of Rabindranath who named him. Then he had hi education from Santiniketan, next Presidency and finally at Cambridge. Back to India he became the Head of the Department of Economics of Jadabpur University. Finally he became the professor of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1977. He has written many books on economics. lie made a research on poverty and famine for a long period. As a result, he was awarded Nobel Prize in 1998.
Quick navigation: REARRANGING SENTENCES | Part - C
22. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm)
Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was born in the Qurais tribe of Makkah in 570 A.D. his father Abdullah died before his birth. lie was brought up by lialima in his childhood. Then he was brought up by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. After the death of his grandfather he was brought up by his uncle Abu Talib. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) was truthful from his boyhood. He made an organization named Hilful Fuzul at the age of 17. He married Kadhija at the age of 25. He got revelation at the age of forty. He was the greatest of all the prophets.
23. Mother Teresa
You have heard the name of Mother Teresa. She was born in Yugoslovia in 1910. She was one of those people who dedicated their lives to the service of mankind. She swore to dedicate her life for the cause of the helpless and poor people. When she was eighteen. she decided to be a nun and came to Calcutta. Then she became a teacher of a school in Kolkata. Soon her activities for the service of mankind spread all over the world. As a recognition of her service, she was awarded Nobel Prize for peace in 1979. She was also given Bharat Ratna Award in the following year. She was on her heels for her selfless service ot’ mankind
even at her old age.
24. A Poor Woman & Buddha
A poor woman once came to Buddha. She asked him whether he could. give her any medicine to restore her dead child to life. The holy man was touched by the great sorrow of the woman. He told her that there vas only one medicine which could revive her son. He told her to bring a handful to mustard seeds from a house where death had never entered. The sorrowful mother went from door to door seeking the mustard seeds but at every door she met with sad replies. One said, I have lost my husband.” Another said, “Our youngest child died last year.” She returned with heavy heart to the great teacher and told him the result of her great search. Then Buddha told her affectionately that she must not think much of her own grief since sorrow and death are common to all.
Quick navigation: REARRANGING SENTENCES | Part - A
25. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm. Germany on March 14. 1879. His father was a businessman and the family business was the manufacture of electronic parts. When the business failed. in 1894, the family moved to Milan, Italy. He %pent 1895 in a nearby high school in Aarau, a small town at the border of Germany and Switzerland. Within a year, still without having completed secondary school. Einstein failed an examination that would have allowed him to pursue a course of’ study leading to a diploma as an electrical engineer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He returned to the S- Federal Institute of Technology in 1896, from where he graduated in 1900. There among pleasant friends, students and excellent teachers, Einstein finished his studies. Einstein submitted one of his scientific papers to the University of Zurich to obtain a PhD degree in 1905 and in 1908 he sent a second paper to the University of Beru and became a lecturer there. I the next couple of years, he taught mathematics and physics in a secondary school. He received a regular appointment as an associate professor of physics at the University of Zurich in 1 09 and in 1922 Einstein received Nobel Prize in physics.
26. A dull-headed man
There lived a man in a certain village. He had a great attraction for English and so went to a teacher. The teacher began to teach him, but the man was dull-headed. The teacher tried his best to teach him. He learned 'yes', 'no' and 'very well'. But the man did not know their meaning. However after trying hard for a couple of months, the teacher released him. He came to his own village and told the village that he was well-versed in English. If anybody asked him any question or discussed a thing with him, he would say either 'yes' or 'no' or 'very well'. The man grasped only three English words. He used the three words while speaking with any man.
27. A fisherman
Once upon a time there lived a fisherman who was old and poor. He could barely support his wife and the children. Everyday he used to go fishing early in the morning. One morning he threw his net into the sea as usual. As he was pulling it back towards the shore, he felt a great weight. He thought he had caught a large fish and so he felt very happy. But a moment later he saw that it was rio fish, rather only a dead donkey. lie was very disappointed. He had just repaired his net and he noticed that the weight of the dead donkey had broken it in several places. Then the fisherman became angry.
28. A farmer
It was a cold winter morning. A farmer was going to his field. On his way he saw a snake almost dead with cold. He took pity on the poor snake. He put it in his basket and brought it home. He placed it by the tire with care, gave it warm milk and made it comfortable. Soon the snake got well. It began to play with the children of the farmer. One day while playing the snake bit one of the children. The farmer became very angry and killed the snake.
29. Ibn Sina
Ibn Sina was born in 985 in Bukhara, in Iran. His full name was Abul All Sina. In his childhood his name and fame spread all over the Persian Gulf area. In his young age Ibn Sina came in contact with the philosophers, scientists, mathematicians and astrologers of that time. Al Beroni. Ahu Shehol, Jurjani were among them. Reputation as physician spread all places in his early age. The then state government was acquainted with his fame. Sultan Mahmud, the king of Gajni, invited him to the Royal Court. His 'Kanoon' is the best recited book in medical science. Ibn Sina is called the prince of medical science.
30. The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games were named after the town of Olympia in Greece. It was in Olympia where (or. that) the games were first held long before the Christian era began. In those day. Greece was divided into many cities and men of different cities used to fight one another most of the time. A man named Iphitos became concerned about such wasteful strifes. He hit upon a plan. Iphitos’s plan worked well. For a time ihe creek warriors, instead of fighting their neighbours, tried to outdo their rivals in friendly games and sports. At first, contests included running and leaping. boxing and wrestling, and throwing the discus and the javelin. Later, contests with horses were introduced.
Mount Everest |
31. Mount Everest
Many expeditions had been led to conquer Mount Everest. Some of them had to be abandoned. Many climbers who took part in them lost their lives. Sir Edmund Hil1ery from Newzealand and his companion Tenzing Torkay from Nepal led an expedition 1953. The expedition set out on March 10. As the climbers were going up and up, they set up camps at different places. They left some of their men and supplies in those camps. The highest camp was set up at 27000 feet. But the top was still 2000 feet away. Only Hillary and Tenzing reached that height.
32. Androcles
Once upon a time there lived a young man named Androcles. He was caught by a slave merchant who sold him to a rich man. His master was very bad and tortured him. One day Androcles fled from his master’s house and took shelter in a cave. In the evening a lion entered the cave. The lion seemed wounded as he was groaning. He .came near Androcles and lifted his paw. Androcles took the lion’s paw in his hand and saw a sharp piece of stone struck to it. He pulled the stone out. The lion was relieved of his pain.
33. Hazrat Hasan (R)
Hazrat Hasan (R) was very pious and simple. One day, while passing through a date garden, he saw an Abyssinian slave. He was sitting in one corner of the garden. He had a small loaf of bread in his hand. A hungry dog sat at a distance looking at him. The slave took a bit for himself and then threw another bit to the dog. So, he actually ate one half and gave away the other half to the dog. He did this for some time. Hazrat Hasan (R) was surprised at the behavior of the slave. So he went to the boy and talked to him.
34. Winter season
There are six seasons in our country. Winter is one of them. It is the season of mist and cold.
So a winter morning is misty and cold. Bird’s chirping is not heard. The cow and other animals cannot come out. There is dense fog everywhere. Sometimes the fog is so dense that the sun rays cannot get through it. Even things at a little distance can hardly be seen. But it is not so in very every morning.
35. Computer
The computer is a fairly recent invention. Any device that helps people perform mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the abacus is a simple computer. Today the term computer refers to a special kind of electronic machine. It has greatly benefited us. It has now become an essential part of modern life. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation. It has also brought about revolutionary changes in our life. The fastest computers can handle millions of problems in a few seconds. This is why. people call the computer an electronic brain.
36. A king
Once there was a king. He was a strong ruler and feared by all but loved by none for his habit of hasty conclusion. He had many good qualities excepting one great fault. He was always in a hurry. He never thought before he did anything. He did not think for a single moment. He was, therefore, always making mistakes. But nobody had the courage to tell him anything. Subjects came to make complaints to him. He gave his orders at once without knowing the fact at length.
37. Marco Polo
Marco Polo was born in 1256 in Venice. He was one of the greatest adventurous men. In 1271 he set out from Venice to China. He was then fifteen years old. Actually a :hat time journey was very difficult because of no speedy vehicles. For transport they had used ships. camels, horses and donkeys. They had travelled by land and sea. He was accompanied by his father and uncle. They also travelled over mountains and across deserts. It took the Polos over three years to reach China.
38. Alexander
It was in 336 BC when (that) Alexander became the king of Macedonia. When still a boy, Alexander managed a famous horse called Bucephalus. Alexander had started his journey for Asia to subdue the Persians. When Alexander reached the Punjab, he had already travelled 18,110 kilometres. Alexander defeated Porus, the king of the Punjab. He asked Porus how he would like to be treated. Porus replied, 'Like a king'. Alexander suddenly died at the age of 32. By the time Alexander died he had conquered an empire that would every general envy. His legacy of courage will be remembered in generations to come.
39. Family
Though fish and whales live in water, whales do not behave like fish. In fact, they behave
like human beings. We can learn a lot from them. Many whales show strong family ties. The
young remain with their parents for up to 15 years or more. Like some land mammals. whales live in herds and travel seasonally between feeding and breeding grounds. In times of danger they look after one another. When a member is wounded or sick, the others do not abandon it. They may cradle it between them or support it on their backs so that it can breathe. This kind of behaviour has often led to their ruin.
40. Rafiq
Rafiq reads in a Zilla school situated near to the Dhaka Highway. It is the biggest and most famous school in their town, with a large field and three buildings. There are about 750 students in their school. The buildings house the classrooms, the laboratories, the teachers lounge and the office. The teachers of their school are very friendly with the students. Their classes begin at 8.30 and countries till 3.30 with a break at 1 p.m. Bangla, English and mathematics are the compulsory periods that they have everyday. They also have three game periods each week when they play in the field. The playground is big enough to play football, Kabadi and cricket. They also have a canteen in one building.
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