We have added Rearrange according to correct order/ sequence. We hope that if you study its, will be helpful for you to answer the question about Rearranging Sentences.01. Ibn-I-Batuta
You might have heard the name of Ibn-I-Batuta. He traveled for more than thirty years. He wrote down all that he saw. He boarded a ship for Chittagong. It took him about six months to reach Chittagong. He heard the name of Shah Jalal of Sylhet and decided to visit him. From there he had to walk for another month to reach Sylhet. Outside the town of Sylhet two persons met him. They said that they were sent by Shah Jalal to receive him. lbn-I-Batuta became very pleased hearing it.
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02. Tazneen Karim
Tazneen Karim is the corporate manager of SMC Bank. She has been associated with the bank for eleven years and is the seniormost woman working there. She is the first female executive to get into the bank’s management committee. In the beginning, there were only a few women in various positions. But in time there were a Jot of changes. Many more women were given opportunities in different departments of the hank. At present there are 49 women, in total, working in SMC Bank. The majority of them are in the management cadre. Young recruits are given an equal chance of pursuing a good career. Every year, the bank takes new management trainees.
03. A Young Boy
A young boy around six years old became the subject of talk in his village. He was very curious about things around him. For example. once just to se how fire burns and what happens after a thing is burnt, he set fire on his fathers barn. Most of the villagers knew the boy from his deeds. People soon got tired when they talked to him because he always asked "Why, why and why". Sometimes it was difficult to satisfy him with answers and to satisfy his curiosity, the boy often undertook some risky adventures. His father often got angry but at the same time he was proud of his son. his relatives often avoided him. There was only one person who never felt annoyed with the little boy. And that was his loving mother.
04. About Libraries
Most libraries are arranged in a systematic way that makes it possible to locate any book quite easily. All of the books in a library are organised into categories or classes and then arranged alphabetically within their class. There are two systems for organising books in a library. One is called the Dewey Decimal System and the other is known as the Library of the Congress System. Most of the libraries follow the Dewey Decimal System. Under the Dewey Decimal System, the books are grouped into ten major categories or subject areas. Each category is assigned a range of numbers and every book in the category is assigned its own special number within that number range. For example, science is assigned numbers from 500 to 599. A particular science book can have a number such as 542.46 or 581.93. A science book would never have a number such as 800 or 200.
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05. The 2nd (II) World War
It was the eve of World War II, 1938. Mrs Smith sat on her favourite rocking chair and closed her eyes. It was a long tiring day. She looked out of the window, it was dark-quite dark. The tension of the war hung in the air. Mrs Smith was restless. 1-ler husband William Smith and son William Smith Junior were off to the border. She switched on the radio and heard a deep male voice floated in. It was an invasion alarm. What actually happened on that night was Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre presented a radio adaptation of HG Well’s novel.
06. A Jealous Queen
Once a queen was jealous of the beauty of her only stepdaughter named Snow White. She ordered her huntsman to kill Snow White. But the huntsman, instead of killing Snow White, left her in the forest. While she was running in the forest out of fear, seven dwarfs found her. They took her to their house and brought her up. Once a prince came by that forest. As soon a he saw her, he fell in love with her. lie married her and took her to his kingdom. The queen heard that. She vent to the prince’s palace to kill Snow White.
07. The sun & The wind
Once upon a time, the sun and the wind had a quarrel. Each boasted that he was more powerful than the other. As neither would yield to other, they agreed to have contest to prove their strength. A traveler was passing by. The decided to try their strength on him. He who would take off the traveler's cloak would be held as the winner of the contest. The wind had the first chance. He caused to blow a cold blast and then brought down a shower of rain. The poor traveler shivered and wrapped the cloak round himself as closely as possible. Now come the sun’s turn, and he shone brightly with rays so scorching heat soon. The traveler took off his cloak.
08. Jamal
Jamal is a farmer living in a village in Kalaroa, Satkhira. He had five acres of land. He and his son Mizan work together in the paddy field. This year the rainy season was a little late. So they became worried. One night Jamal voke up by the sound of heavy rain. The rain filled his heart with joy. In the morning he woke his son up. The father and the son drove their oxen to the fields. They ploughed some fields.
09. A Widow
One day a widow who had lost her son came to Buddha. The widow requested Buddha to restore her dead son to life. Buddha felt pity for the bereaved woman but could do nothing. He asked the widow to bring a handful of mustard seed from a house where death had not entered. The widow rushed from door to door for the mustard seed. But she found no house where someone had not died. At every house she heard that they had lost some of their near and dear ones. Being disappointed she came back to Buddha and told him about the result of her search. Then the Buddha told her that since death is a common affair everywhere she should not grieve over her son’s death. The widow was consoled and went away satisfied.
10. A Happy Cobbler
There lived, a happy cobbler who passed his days working and singing from morning till night. He had a rich neighbour who was a banker. One day the banker asked the cobbler "How much a year do you earn?" The cobbler replied. "How much a year, sir?" I have never counted that way. As you can see, I live from hand to mouth but some how I manage to have three meals and I am happy. The banker said, “I will put an end to your toiling” Take this money and keep them carefully and use them in time of need. The cobbler had never seen so much money at a time in life before. He took the money, hurried back home and burned it in the earth but alas! He burned his happiness with it too.
11. Hatem Tai
Long ago there lived a very kind and generous man in Yemen The name of that man was Hatem Tai. He was not rich but he was very hospitable. One da’. ‘.}- king gave a dinner. The guests praised the king. So the king felt happy and proud. But the guests praised Hatem Tai also. People praised him more than a king. This made the k:n So the king wanted to have him removed from the world.
12. Fatema
This year’s National Award for teaching has been awarded Ms. Fatema Ahmed, a young teacher from Neel Para Primary School. Fatema started her eer as teacher in Jalipur Primary School. She taught there for three years and then joined Para Primary School after her marriage. She was born in Jarnalpur district in l9 A:er She passed the SSC in the first division, she got admission to Mymensingh Girls Co.e ::. 1992. She has always been interested in teaching and thought of becoming a teacher from young age. She joined the Primary Training Institute in Jamalpur in 1994, after she passed H.S.C with another first division. From the Primary Training Institute she was sent various workshops and received training. In 1996 she attended a short traintn E:!ish Language Teaching in Dhaka and then again in 1997 she joined a workshop in Rajshahi on School Management. She has been awarded the honour in recognition of her integrity and dedication.
13. Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong commanded the Gemini 8 mission. He heme the first human to walk on the moon as commander of Apollo 11. He was born :n Vapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5, 1930. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University. He received a Master of Science degree from the University of Southern California. Armstrong joined the Navy and flew as a naval aviator from 1949 to 1952. In 1955 he joined the National Advisory Committee for Flight Propulsion Laboratory. On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong. Buzz Aidrin and Mike Collins departed for the moon. Four days later, Armstrong and then Aidrin landed their Lunar Module in the moo&s Sea of Tranquility. On July 24, Apollo 11, splashed down about 1430 kilometres South-West of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
14. Meena and Her Parrot
One day Meena and her parrot, Mithu climbed a tall tree to pick mango. She picked the mango and took it to her mother. Although Meena had picked the mango, her mother gave the larger share of the fruit to Raju. Meena felt very disappointed. At dinner, Meena noticed that Raju as usual had got an egg but she did not. Mithu was not pleased to see that. Mother wanted to see if the children had washed their hands before they started eating. While they were outside washing their hands, Mithu divided the eg into two and put half of it on Meena’s plate. Corning back, Raju was upset to see that haif of his egg had gone. Grandma thought that Raju as a boy child needed more food.
15. Junk food
Junk food is very popular to young boys and girls. But it as not good for human health. People eat it only for taste. This food contains added chemicals. ft contains animal fat also. These make it taste soothing. When we take it, our bodies turn then into fatty tissue. But it is a matter of regret that this food does not contain any vitamin or mineral salt. Besides, it contains sugar also. It damages our teeth and skin.
16. A farmer
A farmer had a small piece of land that was beside a swamp. Once the farmer ploughed his
land to make a seed-bed. After making the seed -bed, he sowed seeds to cultivate seedlings.
Many cranes and stroks came to the swamp to catch small fishes. But the cranes and storks
came from the nearby swamp to pick up his seeds. Seeing this, he piaed a net on his newlys
own plough lands. He caught a number of cranes and with them he trapped a stork also.
One leg of the stork was fractured by the net. The stork earnestly pra. ! he farmer to spare
his life. It prayed to him, “Please save me and let me go free this time.”
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Photo: Tiger |
17. Tiger
Tiger’s are known as ferocious animals. A tiger kills to eat and kills swiftly. But they do not kill any animal that comes their way. It always charges from the side. Sometimes it charges from the rear too. As the paws are cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without single crackle. The victim does not have the slightest again of the tiger’s approach. With a quick leap, it topples the victim instantly and breaks its neck. It can kill a deer in two or three minutes. It can kill a big animal like buffalo in five minutes.
18. Amarta Sen
Amarta Sen was born in Dhaka, in November 1933. His parents were Dr Ashutosh Sen and Amita Sen. Both were ardent followers of Rabindranath. He was the firs: Asian Winner of Nobel Prize in Economics awarded in 1998. At first he was admitted to St Gerory’s School in Dhaka. Then he had his education from Shantiniketon and next in Presidency College and finally at Cambridge. Back to India he became the Head of Economics Department of Jadavpur University. Later her taught at Delhi University and next ir. London School of Economics at Oxford. Finally he became the professor of Trinity College. Cambridge in 1977. He wrote many books on welfare economics of which economic inequality and poverty and famines are famous. He is the founder of welfare economics which touches the lives of the poorest people of the society. Now Dr Sen is a philosopher of welfare economics.
19. Pasteur
Pasteur was a French scientist. He discovered that many diseases were caused by germs and he also found cures for several of them. At first, he only treated animals because he did not want to cause the death of any human being. He found a mad dog and injected some weak germs of its diseases into blood. The dog was cured. One day a boy named Joseph Meister was brought to Pasteur. He had been bitten by a mad dog. Pasteur gave him some injections and the boy did not get dog’s disease. The news of Pasteur’s success spread all over the world. Other doctors began to study his work.
20. Penicillin
Penicillin is a life saving medicine. It was discovered by Dr Alexander. was born in a poor family of Scotland. He was the seventh of the eight brothers and sisters. He passed his boyhood with his parents. Fleming was a very regular and attentive Up to the age of twelve, he was never absent from school. The school was four from their house. lie went to school and came back home on foot. Dr. Fleming was given the title 'Knight' in 1944 for his humanitarian services.
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