We need different symbols for writing publications and websites. Usually we use copy-paste or image in this case. Today we will learn how to type the required symbol on the keyboard without using any type of copy-paste or image.

How to type different type of Symbols with Keyboard

Below are the different symbol type methods: 

01. Currency symbols

The cent sign: ¢ <=> Alt+0162

Pound Currency: £ <=> Alt+0163

General Currency: ¤ <=> Alt+0164

Japanese Yen Currency: ¥ <=> Alt+0165 0024

Dollar Currency: $ <=> 0024+Alt+X

Euro Currency: € <=> Alt+0128

Dutch Florin Currency: ƒ  <=> Alt+0131

02. Legal symbols

Copyright symbol: © <=> Alt+0169

Registered Trademark symbol: ® <=> Alt+0174

Section Symbol: § <=> Alt+0167

Trademark symbol: ™ <=> Alt+0153

03. Mathematical symbols

Plus or Minus sign: ° <=> Alt+0176

º <=> Alt+0186

Infinity sign: √ <=> 221A+Alt+X

Plus sign: + <=> Alt+43

# <=> Alt+35

µ <=> Alt+0181

< <=> Alt+60

> <=> Alt+62

% <=> Alt+37

( <=> Alt+40

[ <=> Alt+91

) <=> Alt+41

] <=> Alt+93

∆ <=> 2206+Alt+X

Make Symbols with Keyboard
Make Symbols with Keyboard

04. Fractions

¼ <=> Alt+0188

½ <=>Alt+0189

¾ <=> Alt+0190

05. Form symbols

□ <=> 25A1+Alt+X

√ <=> 221A+Alt+X

06. Punctuation and dialectic symbols

? <=> Alt+63

¿ <=> Alt+0191

! <=> Alt+33

‼ <=> 203+Alt+X

- <=> Alt+45

' <=> Alt+39

" <=> Alt+34

, <=> Alt+44

. <=> Alt+46

| <=> Alt+124

/ <=> Alt+47

\ <=> Alt+92

` <=> Alt+96

^ <=> Alt+94

« <=> Alt+0171

» <=> Alt+0187

« <=> Alt+174

» <=> Alt+175

~ <=> Alt+126

& <=> Alt+38

: <=> Alt+58

{ <=> Alt+123

; <=> Alt+59

} <=> Alt+125

07. Other symbols

Smiley face: ☺ <=> Alt+1

Black smiley face: ☻ <=> Alt+2

Heart: ♥ <=> Alt+3

Diamond: ♦ <=> Alt+4

Club: ♣ <=> Alt+5

Spade: ♠ <=> Alt+6

Male sign: ♂ <=> Alt+11

Female sign: ♀ <=> Alt+12

Eight note: ♪ <=> Alt+13

Sun: ☼ <=> Alt+15

Spade: ♠ <=> Alt+6

Up arrow: ↑ <=> Alt+24

Down arrow: ↓ <=> Alt+25

Right arrow: → <=> Alt+26

Left arrow:  ← <=> Alt+27

Left-Right arrow: ↔ <=> Alt+29

Paragraph Symbol (Pilcrow): ¶ <=> Alt+0182

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