Bangladesh Bar Council

To be an Advocate in Bangladesh Enrollment Examination Syllabus

Marks Distribution:

Preliminary Examination (MCQ)
Total Marks: 100, Time: 1 Hour

Written Examination
Total Marks: 100, Time: 4 Hours

Group A Syllabus:

The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
(Act No. V of 1908)

  • Definitions
  • Scope and application of the Code of Civil Procedure
  • Meaning of suits of civil nature
  • Jurisdiction of civil courts
  • Res judicata and Res subjudice
  • Place of suing
  • Institution of suits and proceedings
  • Parties to suits
  • Pleadings and amendment of pleadings
  • Plaint
  • Written statement and set off
  • Summons
  • Discovery and inspection
  • Appearance and Non‑appearance of parties
  • Examination of parties
  • Admissions, production, impounding and return of documents
  • Settlement of issues and disposal of suits
  • Adjournments
  • Hearing of the suit and examination of witnesses
  • Affidavits
  • Interim Orders: Arrest and attachment before judgment, Appointment of receiver, Temporary injunctions, Commission, Security for costs
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation, Arbitration and Mediation in appeal
  • Transfer of suits
  • Suits in particular Cases: Suits by and against government or public officers, Suits by and against aliens and foreign rulers, Suits by or against corporations, Suits by or against trustees, executors and administrators, Suits by or against minors and lunatics, Suits relating to public nuisance, Suits relating to public charities
  • Various kinds of Suits: Representative Suit, Inter-pleader Suit, Pauper suit, Money Suit, Title Suit etc.
  • Withdrawal and compromise of suits
  • Death, marriage and insolvency of parties
  • Suits involving interpretation of the Constitution
  • Judgement and decree
  • Execution of decree
  • Appeal
  • Review
  • Revision
  • Reference
  • Restitution
  • Inherent power of the courts

The Specific Relief Act, 1877
(Act No. I of 1877)

Specific Relief how given
Nature of preventative relief
Recovery of Possession of Property
Specific performance of contracts
Rescission of contracts
Rectification of the instruments
Cancellation of the instruments
Declaratory decrees
Injunction: Temporary and Perpetual Injunction, when such injunctions are granted and when refused; provisions relating to mandatory Injunction.

Group B Syllabus:

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898
(Act No. V of 1898)

  • Definitions
  • Constitution and powers of criminal courts
  • Information of offence
  • Arrest, escape and retaking
  • Temporary order in urgent cases
  • Security for keeping the peace and for good behaviour
  • Dispute as to immovable property
  • Processes to compel appearance
  • Processes to compel the production of documents
  • Prevention of offences
  • Information to the police and their powers to investigate
  • Diary of proceedings in investigation and Report of police officer
  • Proceedings in prosecutions: the jurisdiction of the criminal courts in inquiries and trials
  • Complaints to Magistrates & commencement of proceedings
  • Trial of cases by magistrates
  • Summary trial
  • Trial before the courts of sessions
  • General provisions as to inquiries and trials
  • Procedure in cases mentioned in section 195
  • Bail, bailable offence and non‑bailable offences
  • Compoundable offences and non-compoundable offences
  • Transfer of cases
  • Special proceedings
  • Supplementary provisions regarding public prosecutor
  • Commission for the examination of witnesses
  • Trial in absentia
  • Directions of the nature of a habeas corpus
  • Inherent power of High Court Division
  • Appeal
  • Reference
  • Revision

Group C Syllabus:

The Penal Code, 1860
(Act No. XLV of 1860)

  • Essential elements of an offence
  • General explanations
  • Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention
  • Abetment
  • Punishment: its objectives and limits
  • General exceptions
  • Criminal conspiracy
  • Offences against the state
  • Offences against the public tranquility
  • Offences by or relating to public servants
  • Contempt of the lawful authority of public‑servants
  • False evidence and offences against public justice
  • Offences relating to coin and government stamps
  • Offences relating to weight and measures
  • Offences affecting the public health, safety, convenience decency and morals.
  • Offences affecting the human body
  • Criminal intimidation
  • Offences against property
  • Offences relating to Documents and to trade or property marks; Offences relating to marriage
  • Defamation
  • Attempts to commit offences

Group D Syllabus:

The Evidence Act, 1872
(Act No. I of 1872)

  • Interpretation clause
  • Facts in issue and relevancy of facts
  • Admission and confession
  • Statements by persons who can not be called as witnesses
  • Statements made under special circumstances
  • Oral evidence
  • Documentary evidence
  • Public documents and private documents
  • Presumption as to documents
  • Exclusion of oral evidence by documentary evidence
  • Production and effect of evidence
  • Burden of proof
  • Estoppel
  • Witnesses, Examination of witnesses
  • Role of judges in adversarial system and inquisitorial system.

Group E Syllabus:

The Limitation Act, 1908
(Act No. IX of 1908)
  • Objects, interpretation and application of the Limitation Act, 1908
  • Definitions
  • Limitation of suits, appeals and applications
  • Legal disability
  • Computation of period of limitation
  • Grounds of extension and exemption of period of limitation
  • Suspension of limitation
  • Waiver of limitation
  • Effect of fraud and acknowledgment of Limitation
  • Effect of payment
  • Exclusion of time in legal proceedings
  • Continuing breaches and wrongs
  • Adverse possession
  • Acquisition of right to easements
  • The First Schedule (Description of suit, appeal and application, Period of limitation, Time from which period begins to run)

Group F Syllabus:

Professional Ethics, Bar Council Order & Rules, Legal Decisions and Reports

To Know about: Bar Council

  • Legal profession and social responsibilities
  • Lawyers and public interest
  • Confidentiality, transparency and accountability of a Lawyer
  • Oath of an Advocate
  • Canons of Professional Conduct and Etiquette
  • Composition and functions of the Bangladesh Bar Council
  • Difference between Bar Council & Bar Association
  • Constitution, jurisdiction and procedure of Bangladesh Bar Council Tribunal
  • The Bangladesh Legal Practitioners and Bar Council Rules, 1972
  • Legal decisions and law reports

Info source: Bangladesh Bar Council

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