Bangladesh Open University
School of Business

MBA (Evening) Program Fall, 2016 Admission

The only ICT-mediate Public University with blended mode of education for ensuring high quality
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BOU Distinctiveness:

• Renowned Professors from BOU/ DU.
• Resource Persons from Corporate world.
• Campus-based classes along with video! audio presentations uploaded to YouTube/ BOU e-platform
• e-books available at BOO website.
• LMS and e-mail based student assistance.
• Air-conditioned classrooms with all digital facilities.
• Well-equipped computer lab & library with WiFi.
• Both campuses are under CCTV.
• High-level security arrangement for students & academic staff.

Application Deadlines: August 07, 2016 to September 07, 2016

List of selected applicants: 10 September, 2016
Class stars: 29 September, 2016

Contact Info:
Gazipur: 019120984162
Dhaka: 01920984164

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