HSC English 2nd Paper Reports & Story writing Suggestion for Exam 2015 (Jessore Board)


01. Write a report on HSC Exam result/start.
02. Write a report on Fire in a Garments Factory.
03. Write a report on the Arsenic Pollution.
04. Write a report on the Annual Sports.
05. Write a report on the out break of diarrhea in your locality.

06. Write a report on the Ekshe Boimela/ Village Fair.
07. Write a report on Cultural Programme in your college/ Cultural week.
08. Write a report on Falling sick for poisonous food.
09. Write a report on Food Adulteration.
10. Write a report on Law and order situation.

11. Write a report on Drug Addiction.
12. Write a report on Impact of Facebook.
13. Write a report on Road Accident/ Load Shedding.
14. Write a report on the Prize Giving Ceremony of your college.
15. Write a report on Prise Hike/ Prise of essential commodities.

16. Write a report on Hartal Day/ Victory Day/ Mother Language Day.
17. Write a report on Climate Change.
18. Write a report on Satellite Channels.

Story writing

01. Who will bell the cat.
02. Hare and tortoise.
03. Clever Fox.
04. Thirsty/ Hungry Bruce.
05. Wood cutter

06. Cobbler.
07. A farmer and His son.
08. Nobody believes a liar.
09. The lion and the mouse.
10. Bayezids Bostami.

11. Sheikh Saddi.
12. Greedy Dog.
13. Who will bell the cat?
14. Two friends.
15. Hamelion.

16. King Midas and his golden touch.
17. Grapes are sour.
18. The clever astrologer.
19. Where there in a will there is a way.
20. Failure in the pillar of successes.

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