Unseen Comprehension about Industrial Revolution

Right through the ages as man has progressed he has wanted more and more things to make living comfortable. In other words, as civilization has advances, so have man’s needs. Till quite recent times, these needs were supplied by skilled craftsmen working with their hands, At the end of the 18th century, however, people in Europe began make machines which could turn out goods more quickly and cheaply than human hands.

This Machine Age or the Industrial Revolution; as it is variously called, in a short time changed the lives of the people tremendously. There was flood of new ideas and new inventions which has continued to this day. The result is that we now live in wonderful world which science and industry together have built.
Now industrial progress has not been the same everywhere. The west Europe nations had a big start over everyone else, and only the U.S.A and Russia have been able to overtake them. In the industrial race we are far behind the leaders. In fact, it was only after we became free in 1971 that we were able to leave the starting point at all. So you can well imagine that we have a long way to go.

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