The chairperson has a major role to play before the meeting in discussing the agenda with the vice-chancellor and the secretary to council, and should be informed of any matters of significance to the institution that need to be brought to her/his attention.
⇛ Procedure During the Meeting
Planning steps before the Meeting
- Reviewing the Problem and Determine the Precise Purpose:
Before starting the conference the chairperson should have a clear-cut idea about the central purpose of meeting. The problem might be decline in profit decrease in market share etc. the problem should be reviewed in detail. - Deciding Who Should Participate:
In such a meeting, the participating have to play a very important role so, it has to be decided very carefully who should participate: The participant may be among managerial staff of the organization, specialist outside the organization etc. - Arranging for Meeting Date, Time, and Place:
The date, time and place should be arranged properly. While deciding these, one should have knowledge about the strikes, holidays; weather etc. having decided them, their information should be communicated properly to all participants. - Creating an Agenda:
It is desirable for the chairperson to send the agenda in advanced of a meeting usually three questions are brought for the meeting:
i. Facts ¾ Is something true or not.
ii. Value ¾ Whether something desirable or undesirable.
iii. Policy ¾ Should something be done or not to be done. - Distributary’s the Announcement:
An announcement should be distributed to the participant, It should have date, time, place agenda (if any) purpose etc. - Checking n Physical Arrangement:
It should include.
i. Selecting the seating pattern.
ii. Determining what kind of material is needed in the room.
iii. Making available the visual electronic visual aid.
At a glance, the following offer a useful guideline:
- arrive on time and stay until the end;
- come prepared;
- don’t make judgmental statements;
- talk about issues and not about people;
- listen to others and speak one at a time;
- refrain from criticizing absent members;
- don’t monopolies discussions;
- ask questions;
- observe confidentiality; and
- disclose conflicts of interest.
⇛ Procedure During the Meeting
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