The periodic table is an internationally accepted table of groups of elements. The elements discovered till date are arranged in the periodic table in order of atomic number by dividing them into different classes and levels based on their electron configuration, taking into account religion.

In 1789, Antoine Lavoisier published a table of 33 chemical elements. Although Lavoisier divided the elements into gases, metals, non-metals and rocks, contemporary chemists were looking for more advanced classification systems. English-born scientist John Newland arranged the elements according to their mass in 1864 and discovered the similarity between the physical and chemical relationships of the eighth elements to the elements. Later, in 1869, Russian scientist Mendeleev and German scientist Luther Mayer together published the modern periodic table. The periodic table was then composed of 67 elements, of which 63 were discovered. By 1900, 30 more elements were added to the periodic table. This is how the modern periodic table began.

What is the periodic table?

The periodic table of elements is a record of all chemical elements known to mankind. Elements are arranged in tabular form according to their atomic number (number of protons), their electronic configuration, and their chemical properties.

It is composed of 118 elements certified by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), including:
  • 94 elements existing in nature, and
  • 24 elements are synthetic, that is, they are made artificially.

Its development is closely related to the discovery of new elements and the study of their general properties. Aspects such as the concept of atomic mass and the relationship between atomic mass and the periodic properties of elements have been fundamental to configuring the modern periodic table.

The periodic table serves as a fundamental tool for the study of chemistry, since it allows identifying the differences and similarities between chemical elements in a coherent and simple way.

Its creation is credited to the Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869. Since then, other scientists have improved and updated the periodic table as new elements have been discovered and studied.

Also known as: Periodic chart, Periodic table of elements, Periodic table of chemical elements

Periodic Table of the Elements


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