National University, Bangladesh
LLB Preliminary Syllabus
Course Title: Labour Laws of Bangladesh
Course Code: LAW 106 (New Course Code: LAW 506)

Introduction of Labour Law-Labour Act 2006, Condition of Employment, Classification of Workers, Probation Period, Appointment Letter and Identity Card, Service Book, Work Register, Stoppage of Work, Closure of Establishment, Rights of Laid-off Workers for Compensation, Master Roll of Laid-off Worker's, Retrenchment, Re-Employment of Retrenched Workers, Discharge from Service, Misconduct and Punishment, Procedure for Punishment, Provisions regarding Fine, Termination of Employment by the Employer otherwise than by Dismissal, Termination of Employment by Employer, Retirement of a Worker, Provident Fund, Final Dues of Worker, Certificate of Fitness, Power to require Medical Examination, Maternity Welfare Facilities, Provisions regarding Health and Hygiene, Provisions regarding Safety, Welfare Measures, Working Hours, Leave and Holidays, Wages its Payment, Wage Board, Compensation for Accident, Trade Unions and Relations, Settlement and Termination of Industrial Dispute, Strike and Lock Out, Labor Court and Labor Appellate Tribunal, Workers Participation in Companies Profits, Safety and Control of Employment of Dock Workers, Provident Fund, Offences, Penalties and Procedure.

N.B: There will be eight questions out of which five questions be answered. There may be different parts of a question showing proper divisions marks (5 x 20 = 100).

Credit: National University, Bangladesh

Attention Please! This syllabus is published according to old syllabus. If you have any update, please inform us via comments. We will update ASAP.

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