National University, Bangladesh
LL.B. Final Syllabus
Course Title: Land Laws
Course Code: LAW 207
Total Marks: 100

Law of Registration and Public Demands Recovery

Group A: Land Law

Concept of Land, Land Rights, Access to Land, Land Rights and Poverty.

State Acquisition and Tenancy Law: Legacy of Permanent Settlement Regulation, 1973 and Bengal Tenancy Act, 1885, Abolition of Zamindary System, Acquisition of Rent reeving Interests and Its Consequences, Ceiling of Land Holding, Preparation and maintenance of Record of Rights (Khatiyan), Forged Doccuments, Land Survey and Mutation, Rights of the Raiyats, Allvion & Diluvion Law, Mode of transfer, Expunction of Interests. Preemption, Mortgages, Transfer of Land by Adivashi People, Land Development Tax, Amalgamation, Sub division and Consolidation of Holsings, Land Administration in Bangladesh, Appeal, Revision and Review.

Non-Agricultural Tenancy Law: Concept and Classes of Non-Agricultural Land and Tenant, Purpose of Non-Agricultural Land, Manner of Use, Incidents of Non-Agricultural Tenancies, Under-tenants, Provisions as to Transfer of Non-Agricultural Lands, Improvements.

Other Land Laws aid Issues: Law of Abandoned Property, Vested Property and Human Rights, Acquisition & Requisition, Law versus Politics of Development, Principles of Khas Land distribution, Land Reform Ordinance, sharecropper's Right, Non-eviction, Banami transaction, Agenda of Land Reform in Bangladesh, Women's Access to Land in Bangladesh, Land Rights of Adivashis.
LLB Preliminary Syllabus | Law of Taxation

Group B: Law of Registration

Necessity of Registration, An Introduction of Registration Act. 1908, Definition Clause, Registration Documents, Documents of which Registration is Compulsory and Optional, Time and Place of Presentation, Effects of Registration and Non-Registration, Papers to be Submitted for Registration, Powers and Duties of Registering Offers, Remedies for Refusal and Reference to Civil Court, Fees for Registration, Exemption for Registration.

LL.B. Final Syllabus: Land Laws

Group C: Law of Public Demands Recovery

Concept of Public Demands, The Philosophy of PDR Act, 1913, Certificate and Its Parties, Commencement of Certificate, Service of Notice, Effects of Certificate, Service of Notice, effects of Certificates and Hearing of Objections, Mode of Execution of Certificates, Attachment, Sale, Setting aide a Sale, Provisions of Arrest and Detention, Reference to Civil Court, Appeal, Reference and Review and Other Supplemental Provisions.

N. B: 
  • There will be five questions containing Group A. The students will have to answer three questions. (3✕20=60)
  • From Group B, there will be two questions out of which one questions will have be answered. (1✕20=20)
  • From Group C, there will be two questions out of which one questions will have be answered. (1✕20=20)

Credit: National University, Bangladesh (

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