HSC Exam-2020 English 2nd Paper Suggestion


  • Corruption in Bangladesh
  • Impacts of Facebook on young generation
  • A Road Accident
  • Food Adulteration
  • Fire in a garment factory
  • Drug Addiction
  • Price hike
  • Condition of the slum dwellers
  • Causes of student's failure in English
  • Price giving ceremony

Formal Letter

  • English Language Club/ Computer Club/ Debating Club
  • Multimedia Facilities/ Library facilities
  • Study Tour
  • Sound system in the classroom
  • Admission on TC/ Seat in the college hostel
  • Stage a Drama


  • Providing internet facilities
  • About the importance of attending multi-media class regularly
  • Asking admission procedure for overseas students


  • Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
  • Drug addiction
  • Internet
  • Road Accident
  • Facebook
  • An Ideal Student
  • Climate Change
  • Gender Discrimination
  • Environment pollution


  • The necessity of compulsory ICT education in Bangladesh
  • Childhood Memories
  • Female Education
  • Climate Change
  • Patriotism
  • Student Life
  • Importance of rivers in Bangladesh
  • Unemployment problem in Bangladesh
  • Uses and abuses if Satellite Channels

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