16. Who of the following is a playwright?
a) Dickens
b) Frost
c) W.B. Yeats
d) G.B. Shaw
Answer: d) G.B. Shaw

17. ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent' is an essay by _____.
a) Thonas Hardy
b) T.S. Eliot
c) Virginia woolf
d) Thomas Carlyle
Answer: b) T.S. Eliot

18. The play Arms and the Man is by ______.
a) James Joyce
b) Arthur Miller
c) Samuel Beckett
d) George Bernard Shaw
Answer: d) George Bernard Shaw

19. ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is written by ______.
a) Rudyard Kipling
b) Ronald Reiiel Tolkien
c) Hobbit
d) None
Answer: b) Ronald Reiiel Tolkien

20. Othello is a Shakespeare's play about ______.
a) A Jew
b) A Turk
c) A Roman
d) A Moor
Answer: d) A Moor

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21. The poem 'The Patriot’ is written by _____.
a) Alfred Tennys on1
b) Robert Browning
c) Mathew Arnold
d) Joim Donne
Answer: b) Robert Browning

22. The poem ‘Isle of hinisfree’ is written by _____.
a) Dylan Thomas
b) w.H Auden
c) Ezra Pound
d) w.B. Yeats
Answer: d) w.B. Yeats

23. Which book is a Tragedy?
a) Hamlet
b) Measure for Measure
c) As you like it
d) She stoops to conqier
Answer: a) Hamlet

24. ‘Faerie Queen’ is a _____.
a) play
b) short story
c) an epic
d) novel
Answer: c) an epic

25. The ‘Merchant of Venice’ Written by Shakespeare is _____.
a) A novel
b) a short story
c) a poem
d) a drama
Answer: d) a drama

26. Who wrote ‘Madame Bovary’?
a) Leo Tolstoy
b) James Joyce
c) E.M. Forster
d) Gustave Flaubert
Answer: d) Gustave Flaubert

27. Who wrote 'The Tempest’?
a) William Wordsworth
b) Ben Jonson
c) William Shakespeare
d) Tennyson
Answer: c) William Shakespeare

28. Who among the following is a revolutionary poet?
a) John Keats
b) P.B. Shelly
c) S.T. Coleridge
d) William Wordsworth
Answer: b) P.B. Shelly

29. Paradise Lost is _____.
a) an epic
b) a satirical work
c) a tragedy
d) a ballad
Answer: a) an epic

30. Shakespeare was born in?
a) 1616
b) 1564
c) 1566
d) 1604
Answer: b) 1564

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