Famous Universities in Kenya
- www.mu.ac.ke ⇛ Moi University
- www.uonbi.ac.ke ⇛ University of Nairobi
- www.egerton.ac.ke ⇛ Egerton University
- www.ku.ac.ke ⇛ Kenyatta University
- www.jkuat.ac.ke ⇛ Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
- www.strathmore.edu ⇛ Strathmore University
- www.avu.org ⇛ African Virtual University
- www.cuea.edu ⇛ Catholic University of Eastern Africa
- maseno.ac.ke ⇛ Maseno University
- www.kemu.ac.ke ⇛ Kenya Methodist University
- www.tukenya.ac.ke ⇛ Technical University of Kenya
- www.usiu.ac.ke ⇛ United States International University
- www.kabarak.ac.ke ⇛ Kabarak University
- www.kmtc.ac.ke ⇛ Kenya Medical Training College
- www.mku.ac.ke ⇛ Mount Kenya University
- www.kca.ac.ke ⇛ KCA University
- www.spu.ac.ke ⇛ Saint Paul’s University Limuru
- www.mmust.ac.ke ⇛ Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology
- www.daystar.ac.ke ⇛ Daystar University
- www.pu.ac.ke ⇛ Pwani University College
- www.isk.ac.ke ⇛ International School of Kenya
- www.dkut.ac.ke ⇛ Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
- www.tum.ac.ke ⇛ Technical University of Mombasa (Mombasa Polytechnic University College)
- www.ueab.ac.ke ⇛ University of Eastern Africa Baraton
- www.anu.ac.ke ⇛ Africa Nazarene University
- www.mmu.ac.ke ⇛ Multimedia University College of Kenya
- www.seku.ac.ke ⇛ South Eastern Kenya University
- www.ttuc.ac.ke ⇛ Taita Taveta University College
- www.pacuniversity.ac.ke ⇛ Pan Africa Christian University
- www.kim.ac.ke ⇛ Kenia Institute of Management
- www.riarauniversity.ac.ke ⇛ Riara University
- www.ttuc.ac.ke ⇛ Taita Taveta University College
- www.pacuniversity.ac.ke ⇛ Pan Africa Christian University
- www.kim.ac.ke ⇛ Kenia Institute of Management
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- www.tangaza.org ⇛ Tangaza College
- www.uoeld.ac.ke ⇛ Eldoret University
- www.easm.ac.ke ⇛ East Africa School of Management
- www.kisiiuniversity.ac.ke ⇛ Kisii University
- www.must.ac.ke ⇛ Meru University of Science & Technology
- www.jooust.ac.ke ⇛ Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science & Technology
- www.iu.ac.ke ⇛ Inoorero University (Kenya School of Professional Studies)
- www.mua.ac.ke ⇛ Management University of Africa
- www.chuka.ac.ke ⇛ Chuka University
- www.aua.ac.ke ⇛ Adventist University of Africa
- www.laikipia.ac.ke ⇛ Laikipia University College
- www.ruc.ac.ke ⇛ Rongo University College
- www.aiu.ac.ke ⇛ Africa International University
- www.scott.ac.ke ⇛ Scott Theological College
- www.kibabiiuniversity.ac.ke ⇛ Kibabii University College
- www.kabianga.ac.ke ⇛ University of Kabianga
- www.mias.edu ⇛ Maryknoll Institute of African Studies Nairobi
- www.gluk.ac.ke ⇛ Great Lakes University of Kisumu
- www.mmarau.ac.ke ⇛ Masai Mara University
- www.nibs.ac.ke ⇛ Nairobi Institute of Business Studies
- www.mruc.ac.ke ⇛ Murang’a University College
- www.puea.ac.ke ⇛ Presbyterian University of East Africa
- www.machakosuniversity.ac.ke ⇛ Machakos University College
- www.gretsauniversity.ac.ke ⇛ Gretsa University
- www.iat.co.ke ⇛ Institute of Advanced Technology Kenya
- www.embuni.ac.ke ⇛ Embu University College
- www.zetech.ac.ke ⇛ Zetech University
- www.riccatti.ac.ke ⇛ Riccatti Business College
- www.karu.ac.ke ⇛ Karatina University
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