About BOU

BOU: Bangladesh Open University

Website: www.bou.edu.bd

e-Book Website: www.ebookbou.edu.bd
The need for an open university in Bangladesh was felt long ago. The history of distance education in Bangladesh dates back to 1956, when the Education Directorate was assigned with the responsibility for distribution of 200 radio receivers to educational institutions. This led to the creation of an Audio-Visual Cell, which was upgraded to Audio-Visual Education Centre in 1962. No further progress in distance education was made till 1971.

After Independence, Bangladesh faced the challenge of meeting the educational needs of mass people. To meet this challenge the necessity for a new mode of education was widely felt. As a sequel to that feeling, the School Broadcasting Pilot Project was launched in 1978. The project was transformed into National Institute of Educational Media and Technology (NIEMT) in 1983.

NIEMT was later replaced by the Bangladesh Institute of Distance Education (BIDE) in 1985. Apart from producing audio-visual materials, BIDE offered the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) program in distance mode. The success of BIDE encouraged policymakers to take up a major plan for establishing an open university. The plan became a reality in October 1992 when the Bangladesh Open University Act 1992 was passed in the Parliament.

Regional Resource Centers: BOU Regional Resource Centers

At a glance: Bangladesh Open University (BOU)

Sub Regional Centers: BOU Sub Regional Centers

Affiliations/ Membership:

  • The Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
  • SAARC Consortium on Open and Distance Learning (SACODiL)
  • Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)
  • International Council for Open and Distance Learning (ICODL)
  • Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
  • Commonwealth Educational Media Center for Asia (CEMCA)
  • Association of SAARC Universities (ASU)
  • Global Alliance for Transnational Education (GATE)
  • International Research Foundation for Open Learning (IRFOL)
  • Commonwealth Open Schooling Association (COMOSA)
  • International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)

International Collaboration:

  • Open University of Sri Lanka
  • Open University, UK
  • Open University of Malaysia
  • Yunan Open University, China

On-going Projects:

  • Devlopment of E-Learning Centre and Interactive Virtual Class Rooms by Korean International Cooperation Agency
  • INSPIRE Project for Devlopment of English Teaching by British Council
  • Basic Campus Network Project, Financed by BdREN, HEQEP, UGC

All Programs under BOU: BOU Academic Programs

Prospective Students

Bangladesh Open University (BOU) the only public university for distance education in the country offers various Formal and non-formal programs. Modern distance learning is often called Open and Distance Learning (ODL) due to its openness and flexibility in terms of age, place and time. As an ODL based university BOU introduced all of its formal and non-formal programs in a most flexible manner so that anyone can continue learning anytime! BOU provides all sorts of academic support to its students in both offline and online mode like advising, online admission, Printed Books, E-Books, Radio & TV programs, Interactive Virtual Class Room (IVCR), Learning Management system (LMS) and so on.

Irrespective of your leaving status i.e. you are working or not working you may be BOU’s prospective Students:

  • If you are self motivated
  • Eager to learn
  • Willing to continue your education further
Bangladesh Open University welcome you to be part of it.

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