National University, Bangladesh

LLB Preliminary Syllabus

Course Title: Equity, Trust, Specific Relief and Hindu Law
Course Code: LAW 104 (New Course Code: LAW 504)

Group A: Equity

Common Law, Origin and Development of Equity, Nature and Definition of Equity,
Courts of Equity: Composition, Powers and Functions of the Courts of Equity,
Application of Equity Jurisdiction in Bangladesh: Relation Between Law and Equity, Equitable Estate and its relation to legal Estate,
Maxims of Equity: Equitable Remedies: Specific Performance, Injunction and Receiver.

Group B: Law of Trust

Nature and Definition of Trust, Origin and Development of Trust, Classification of Trust, Creation of Trusts, Appointment, Removal, Rights, Powers, Functions, Duties, Liabilities and Disabilities of Trustees, Remedies for Breach of Trusts, Limitation, Rights and Liabilities of the Beneficiaries, Determination of Trust and Trusteeship.

Group C: Specific Relief Act

Extent and Scope of Application of the Specific Relief Act of 1877, Recovery of Possession of Immovable Property, Suit by Person Dispossessed, Specific Performance of Contract as a Specific Relief, Contract which, can be specifically Enforced and Which Cannot be Specifically Enforced, Persons for and against whom Contracts may be Specifically Enforced, Discretion and Powers of the Court, Rectification of Instrument, Rescission of Contracts, Cancellation of Instrument, Declaratory Decrees as Specific Relief, Preventive Relief, Temporary and Perpetual Injunctions, Mandatory Injunction.

Group D: Hindu Law and Application

Nature and Application of Hindu Law, Sources of Hindu Law. Schools of Hindu Law, Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Schools;
Laws relating to: Inheritance, Marriage. Sonship, Adoption. Vill, Debts and Partition;
Joint Family System: Position of Karta in the Joint Fiti1y, His Rights and Obligations. Maintenance, Stricdhana and Women’s Estate, Inheritance of Stridhana, Religious and Charitable Endowments, Need for Reforms of Hindu Law in Bangladesh.

N.B: There will be two questions from Group A. out of which one question needs to be answered (1 x 20 = 20). There will be two questions from Group B, out which one question needs to be answered (1 x 20 = 20). There will be two questions from Group C, out of which one question needs to be answered (1 x 20 = 20). And there will be four questions from Group D, out of which two questions need to be answered (2 x 20 = 40)

Credit: ( National University, Bangladesh

Attention Please! This syllabus is published according to old syllabus. If you have any update, please inform us via comments. We will update ASAP.

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