Course Title: Labour and Industrial Law of Bangladesh
Course Code: Law 106/ law 506
LLB Preliminary under National University, Bangladesh

Important Short Notes: Labour and Industrial Law of Bangladesh

  1. Labour Court
  2. Unfair Labour Practice
  3. Strike and Lock-out
  4. Commercial establishment and Industrial establishment
  5. Young Person
  6. Go slow
  7. Apprentice
  8. Partial and total disablement
  9. Worker
  10. Retrenchment
  11. Industrial dispute
  12. Discharge and Dismissal
  13. C.B.A
  14. Check off
  15. Fine
  16. Certificate of Fitness
  17. Certifying Surgeon
  18. Trade Union and CBA
  19. Total disablement and Partial disablement
  20. Leave and hHolidays
  21. Chief Inspector and Certifying Surgeon
  22. Mediation and Arbitration

Important Short Notes for NU LLB Preliminary Students:

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