Syllabus for One-Year Preliminary to Master’s Course
Effective from the Session: 2016-2017
Paper Code |
Paper Title |
Credits |
411501 |
History of Bengal 1204-1857 |
4 |
411503 |
History of South Asia 1765-1947 |
4 |
411505 |
History of Europe 1789-1919 |
4 |
411507 |
History of Russia and USA (1776-1917) |
4 |
411509 |
History of Civilization (Selected topics) |
4 |
411511 |
Bangladesh: National Culture and Heritage |
4 |
411513 |
History of the Subaltern and Protest Movements |
4 |
411515 |
Far East and South-East Asia in Modern Times |
4 |
411518 |
Viva-voce |
4 |
Total = |
36 |
Paper Code
411501 |
Credits: 4 |
Class Hours: 120hrs. |
Paper Title: |
History of Bengal 1204-1857 |
- Coming of the Muslims- Bakhtiar Khalji & the conquest of Nadia, Giasuddin Iwaz Khalji and his achievements.
- Foundation of the Independent Sultanate- Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah, Ibn Batuttah’s account.
- Bengal under Ilyas Shahi and Hossain Shahi Rule.
- Administration under the Sultanate.
- Afghan rule in Bengal.
- Mughal Conquest of Bengal and the supprestion of the Bara Bhuiyas.
- Bengal under Shaista Khan, Murshid Quli Khan and Alivardi Khan.
- Coming of the Europeans.
- Nawab Sirajuddowla: conflict with the English East India Company, the Battle of Palashi and its results.
- Mir Kashim and the Battle of Bauxar, Grant of Diwani, the dual Government (1765-1772)
- Administrative and Judicial reforms of warren Hastings and Lord Cornwallis.
- Land Revenue Experiments (1772-1790); the Permanent Settlement: Objectives, nature and effects.
- Anti-British Movements: Fakir-Sanyasi Revolt and the Revolt of Titumir.
- Education Policy of the East India Company.
- Socio-religious reforms and Intellectual Movements- Faraizi Movement, Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Young Bengal Movement.
Paper Code
411503 |
Credits: 4 |
Class Hours: 120hrs. |
Paper Title: |
History of South Asia 1765-1947 |
- Expansion and consolidation of the Colonial rule (a) Expansion: Anglo-Mysore Relations, Wellesley and Subsidiary Alliance, Annexation of Punjab, Dolhousi and the Doctrine of Lapse. (b) Administration: Warren Hastings, Cornwallis, Benticks and Dalhousie.
- Constitutional Development: Regulating Act, Pitt’s India Act & Charter Acts.
- The Revolt of 1857: Causes, Nature and Results.
- Reforms of Lord Ripon.
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and the Aligarh Movement
- Foundation of the Indian National Congress (1885).
- Reforms of Lord Curzon.
- Simla Deputation and the Foundation of the Muslim League.
- Lucknow Pact, 1916
- Government of India Act, 1919
- Khilafat and Non-cooperation Movement.
- Simon Commission, Nehru Report, Jinnah’s Fourteen Points and Round Table Conferences.
- Government of India Act, 1935.
- Lahore Resolution 1940.
- Cripps Mission, The Quit India Movement and the Cabinet Mission Plan.
- The Indian Independence Act and the Partition of India, 1947.
Paper Code
411505 |
Credits: 4 |
Class Hours: 120hrs. |
Paper Title: |
History of Europe 1789-1919 |
- French Revolution: Europe on the eve of the French Revolution, Causes and course of the French Revolution.
- Napoleon Bonarparte : rise, domestic policy, continental system, Napoleon and Europe, Napoleon and the Pope, Napoleon and nationalism, fall of Napoleon.
- Post-Napoleonic Europe : Vienna settlement and Metternich, European concert, suppression of liberratism in central Europe, Spain and Portugal.
- Democratic and nationalistic movement: July Revolution (1830), February revolution (1848), Louis Napoleon and Second French republic, Nationalism in Hapsburg empire.
- Russia : Nicholas I and the Crimean war, reforms of Alexander reactionary policy under Alexander III and Nicholas II, Russo-Japanese war, Revolution of 1905, Bolshevick Revolution of 1917.
- Reconstruction of Europe: unification of Italy, unification of Germany, Napoleon III and the second French empire.
- Eastern question: origins of the Eastern question, Greek War of Independence, Crimean war, Russo-Turkish war, treaty of Berlin, influence of Germany of Ottoman Empire, Balkan league, Balkan wars.
- Era of armed peace (1871-1914) : alliance system of Bismarck, breakdown of Bismarck’s alliance system, franco-Russian alliance, Anglo-German relations.
- First World War: causes, Serajevo incident, Austrian steps, July crisis, responsibility of the power, Paris Peace Treaties.
- Expansion of Europe: Causes and results of the founding of colonies in the 19th century, difference between colonialism and imperialism, aims and effects of imperialism.
- Capitalism: origin and characteristics of capitalism, beginning of modern capitalism, capitalism of the 20th century.
- Socialism : origin and aims of socialism, pre-Marxian socialism, Karl Marx’s doctrine, spread of and importance of socialism.
Paper Code
411507 |
Credits: 4 |
Class Hours: 120hrs. |
Paper Title: |
History of Russia and USA (1776-1917) (Selected topics) |
- 19th Century Russia: social, political and economic conditions- revolutionary movements.
- Revolution of 1905: Causes, nature and results
- Spread of Marxism and rise of V-I. Levin
- February Revolution. 1917
- October revolution of 1917: causes, nature and results, role of Lenin.
- George Washington and Independence of America
- Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson
- Monroe Doctrine
- Abraham Lincoln and Civil wars
- Reconstruction
- Progressive movement
- Widrow Wilson, 1st world wars and 14 points
- P. Dukes : A History of Russia
- Kirchner : A History of Russia
- Hill : Lenin and the Russia Revolution
- E-H. Carr : The Bolshevik revolution (1917-1923)
- E. Lipson : Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
- Henry Bamford Parkes : The United States of America, A History
- John A. Garry : The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877, Vol. I
- Mary Beth Norton : A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Vol. I and II
Paper Code
411509 |
Credits: 4 |
Class Hours: 120hrs. |
Paper Title: |
History of Civilization (Selected topics) |
- Growth of Civilization: The Palaeolithie Age. The Neolothic Age
- Sumerian Civilization
- Egiptian Civilization
- Babylonia. Persia, China, Phoenicia, Greece, Rome, Papacy
- Commercial Growth in the twelfth Century
- Rise of Feudalism and its growth.
- Growth of towns and universities during the twelfth century.
Paper Code
411511 |
Credits: 4 |
Class Hours: 120hrs. |
Paper Title: |
Bangladesh: National Culture and Heritage |
- Definition of culture and heritage
- Religious beliefs in ancient Bengal
- Introduction and development of Buddhist culture
- Ancient language and literature of Bengal
- Advance of Islam and its impact on Bengali culture
- Social economic and religious life of the people in medieval Bengal
- Sri Chaitanya and Bhakti movement
- Influence of Christianity of Bengali culture
- Development of Western education and the Bengal renaissance
- Emergence of Hindu middle class
- Emergence of Muslim middle class
- Development of Political consciousness among the middle class; during the first-three decades of the 20th century
- Origin and development of Bengali nationalism
- Impact of modernism on Bengali society and culture.
Paper Code
411513 |
Credits: 4 |
Class Hours: 120hrs. |
Paper Title: |
History of the Subaltern and Protest Movements |
- Definition and Characteristics of Resistance movement and subalterns
- General Condition of the subalterns or Poor People of 18th and 19th Century.
- Characteristics of the Peasant resistance in the 18th and 19th Century.
- Fakir- Sannyasi rebellion (1763-1800)
- Chakma Revolt in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (1776-87)
- Peasant rebellion of Rangpur (1783)
- Pagalpanthi rebellion of Mymensingh (1820-33)
- Wahabi Movement (1831)
- Fariazi Movement (1840)
- Indigo rebellion (1859-60)
- Pabna rebellion (1872-73)
- Tebhaga movement (1946)
- Peasant rebellion of Nachal (1949)
Paper Code
411515 |
Credits: 4 |
Class Hours: 120hrs. |
Paper Title: |
Far East and South-East Asia in Modern Times |
- Introduction: concept o Southeast Asia an its importance, colonial policies and its impact.
- China: general overview of China: land and people, society, economy, political structure
- Opening of China: background, Opium Wars, Unequal Treaties, Open Door Policy.
- Chinese reaction and resistance: Taiping rebellion, Boxer Movement, Hundred Days’ Reforms
- Nationalist Movements in China: Chinese Revolution of 1911, its causes and results
- China in Transformation: The Nationalist Revolution, 1920-28, China under Chiang K’ai shek, the birth of Communist Party: the Kuomintang and Communist Alliance, the rise of Mao
- Opening of Japan: The Perry Mission 1868, the opening of Japan, the end of Shogunate, Meiji Restoration, Sino-Japanese war 1894-95, Russo-Japanese war 1904-05.
- The Washington Conference (1921-22)
- Japanese aggressions in China, 1931
- Indonesia: rise of Indonesian nationalism. Political parties, Indonesian Revolution and Independence.
- Malaysia: British rule in Malaya states, emergence of nationalist movement and independence.
Paper Code
411804 |
Credits: 4 |
Paper Title: |
Viva-voce |
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