The speeches of Apple boss Steve Jobs were eagerly awaited and attracted an international audience.

Each time, he filled the audience with enthusiasm with an extremely careful speech, staging and style. Apple's co-founder, who died on October 5, 2011, revolutionized the world of computing. He leaves behind the image of a pretty cool geek, who has transformed his passion into real professional success. Perhaps a role model for all young people who want to find their way.

Here is a quick summary, 20 tips from Steve Jobs, taken from his book “The presentation secrets of Steve Jobs”, published by Editions Telemachus.

Steve Jobs

1.  Wield the art of the slogan.

During his presentations, Steve Jobs himself formulates one-sentence slogans for his products. Far from being spontaneous outings, these sentences have been carefully considered. Their main objective of course is to make an impression and convey the main message to the public. They even manage, sometimes, to give key titles in hand to the journalists present in the room.

2.  Call in the guests.

During his presentations in public, Steve Jobs is undoubtedly the star. However, he does not hesitate to share the limelight with others. These external interventions give value to its presentation. The external speakers bring variety to the audience, break up the monotony of the presentation and lend credibility to the subject.

3.  Use pictures.

In his slideshows, Steve Jobs alternates text layers with images. First, the use of images helps maintain the audience's attention by changing the form the message takes. Second, it uses other means of memorizing listeners who are also spectators. Finally, the absence of a text forces it to be more clear.

4.  Break it down into three parts.

Often, Steve Jobs structures his interventions in three parts. This is the ideal cutout for the audience to follow the reasoning. To train his audience in his speech, Steve Jobs announced his three-part plan beforehand. It is only then that he details each of the points which underpin his demonstration.

5.  Designate the enemy. 

Pointing the finger at an opponent allows you to position yourself in a competition. In front of his troops, this strengthens cohesion. In front of an external public, this allows to pose as an alternative and to play the comparison, obviously in a positive light.

6.  Avoid bulleted lists in slides.

Steve Jobs never uses chips. In his presentations follow one another very light pages where one finds only one or a few words. On the screen only appears the main idea, the important number or the striking slogan. This practice paradoxically makes it possible to reinforce one's speech. Putting the bare minimum in the demonstration allows you to focus on what is important.

7.  Handle numbers intelligently.

Steve Jobs uses the numbers that are found in most presentations sparingly. Technical data or financial information abound too often in slide shows.

8.  Speak simply.

One of the great qualities of Steve Jobs is never to use too technical language to present his new products. The complex terms disappear in favor of simple terms and concrete formulations, understandable by all. The boss of Apple has therefore banned the jargon from his presentations.

9. Use  humor. 

When Steve Jobs is on stage, he tries hard. Overall, he seems to be really having fun experimenting with the brand's new apple toys. These points of humor, obviously carefully prepared, allow him to put the public in his pocket. He does not hesitate, either, to laugh at himself, and to relax the atmosphere.

10.  Maintain a steady pace.

Steve Jobs' presentations are intentionally short: they last half an hour, leaving no time for his audience to get bored. Above all, he imposes a hellish pace that allows to re-mobilize the attention of the audience. During this reduced time, the boss of Apple likes to vary the pleasures: speeches, demonstrations, guests, videos.

11.  Provide surprises. 

Steve Jobs often ends his speeches with “one last thing”. The audience now knows that this "last thing" is the one that will go down in the annals of every Steve Jobs' presentation.

Quick navigation: Tips to stay motivated and productive while telecommuting

12.  Share your pleasure. 

On stage, the pleasure of Steve Jobs shines through the eyes of the public and considerably strengthens the force of the message he wants to convey. In his speech, it is above all the desire to change the lives of his clients that he evokes rather than the performance of his company. Pleasure is communicative: it becomes a real strength in public.

13.  Thoroughly prepare your intervention. 

Steve Jobs indeed spends hours rehearsing the presentations he gives to the press around the world. Every detail is taken into account, every sentence is studied, every effect is refined. He carries out this meticulous work with his teams, from writing to technical production. Without it, his presentations would certainly not be as successful.

14.  Put yourself in the shoes of the public. 

Steve Jobs' goal is to convince his audience that his products are the best to use. He therefore insists on the positive points of his products for the user. Speed, design, fun is more important to the public than the technology used or the technical considerations necessary.

15.  Use the demonstrations.

To break the monotony and ensure better promotion of its products, Steve Jobs often conducts demonstrations in public. He himself tests Apple computers, phones and software in front of the participants. It adds a different experience to the simple talk. The public listens, sees and touches: as a true salesperson, Steve Jobs thus maximizes the chances of getting his message across.

16.  Do not read the notes.

It is well known: speakers who do without notes benefit from a strong presence in front of their audience. If Steve Jobs has a sheet of paper on stage, it contains only a few words that make up the frame of his speech. With simple slides and minimalist notes, Steve Jobs succeeds in giving an impression of fluidity and spontaneity to his speech.

17.  Think of yourself as an actor. 

To ensure the success of his presentations, Steve Jobs wonderfully uses silences to arouse the attention of the public, he makes large gestures to support his point and varies the tone of his voice according to his words.

18.  Focus attention on a point.

Steve Jobs uses simple words, projecting simple slides. The boss of Apple avoids getting lost in the details and prefers to focus on a single theme: a feature, a technical characteristic or a strong point. He would rather focus on a single point presentation than go through a list quickly without going into detail.

19.  Take care of your look.

Levi's 501, the black sweater and the pair of sneakers are part of Steve Jobs' public persona. If it is not a question of purely and simply reproducing this style of clothing, it does however allow to realize the importance that gives its appearance. It is up to everyone to determine the image they want to convey: this also involves the wardrobe.

20.  Use video.

During his presentations, Steve Jobs is very fond of showing short films. By showing short films, we wake up the audience. Watching a short video induces a change of pace that keeps the brain focused. And broadcasting a video as part of a presentation remains simple and always arouses its small effect.


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