ABC =>> Uppercase

abc =>> Lowercase

~ => Tilde

` => Acute/ Back quote/ Grave/ Grave accent/ Left quote/ Open quote/ A push

! =>> Exclamation Mark/ Exclamation Point/ Bang

@ =>> At Sign (Each)/ At/ Ampersat/ Arobase/ Asperand

# =>> Hash/ Octothorpe/ Number/ Pound/ Sharp

$ =>> Dollar Sign/ Generic currency

% =>> Percent

^ =>> Caret/ Circumflex

& =>> Ampersand/ Epershand/ And

* =>> Asterisk/ Sometimes referred to as star

( =>> Open parenthesis

) =>> Close parenthesis

() =>> Parenthesis

- =>> Hyphen/ Minus/ Dash

- ==>> Underscore

+ =>> Plus

=  =>> Equals

{ =>> Curly Bracket/ Open Brace/ Squiggly brackets

} =>> Curly Bracket/ Close Brace/ Squiggly brackets

{} =>> Curly Brackets

[ =>> Open Bracket

] =>> Close Bracket

[] =>> Square Brackets

: =>> Colon

; =>> Semicolon

" =>> Quotation mark/ Quote/ Inverted commas

"" =>> Double Quotes

' =>> Apostrophe Mark/ Single Quote

/ =>> Forward slash/ Solidus/Virgule/ Whack

| =>> Bar/ Pipe

, =>> Comma

. =>> Period/ Decimal Point/ Dot/ Full stop

\ =>> Back Slash/ Reverse Solidus

? =>> Question Mark

> =>> Greater than/ Angle brackets

< =>> Less than/ Angle brackets

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