Famous Universities in Netherlands

  • www.rug.nl ⭃ University of Groningen
  • www.tudelft.nl ⭃ Delft University of Technology TU Delft
  • www.leidenuniv.nl ⭃ Universiteit Leiden
  • www.uu.nl ⭃ Utrecht University
  • www.tue.nl ⭃ Eindhoven University of Technology
  • www.utwente.nl ⭃ Universiteit Twente

  • www.ru.nl ⭃ Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  • www.eur.nl ⭃ Erasmus University of Rotterdam
  • www.uva.nl ⭃ University of Amsterdam
  • www.vu.nl ⭃ VU University of Amsterdam
  • www.wageningenur.nl ⭃ Wageningen University & Research Centre
  • www.maastrichtuniversity.nl ⭃ Maastricht University
  • www.tilburguniversity.edu ⭃ Tilburg University
  • www.ou.nl ⭃ Open University
  • www.hva.nl ⭃ Hogeschool van Amsterdam HvA
  • www.hu.nl ⭃ Hogeschool Utrecht
  • www.unesco-ihe.org ⭃ Institute for Water Education UNESCO
  • www.hanze.nl ⭃ Hanze University Groningen

  • www.han.nl ⭃ Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen HAN
  • www.nhtv.nl ⭃ NHTV internationaal hoger onderwijs Breda
  • www.zuyd.nl ⭃ Zuyd Hogeschool
  • www.saxion.nl ⭃ Saxion University of Professional Education
  • www.inholland.nl ⭃ Hogeschool Inholland
  • www.tinbergen.nl ⭃ Tinbergen Institute
  • www.windesheim.nl ⭃ Windesheim University of Professional Education
  • www.nhl.nl ⭃ Northern University of Professional Education of Leeuwarden
  • www.hku.nl ⭃ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
  • www.fontys.nl ⭃ Fontys University of Applied Sciences

  • www.nyenrode.nl ⭃ Nyenrode Business University
  • www.ahk.nl ⭃ Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten AHK
  • www.hz.nl ⭃ Hogeschool Zeeland
  • www.rsm.nl ⭃ Rotterdam School of Management RSM Erasmus University
  • www.avans.nl ⭃ Avans University of Professional Education
  • www.hsleiden.nl ⭃ Hogeschool Leiden (Hogeschool Helicon)
  • www.hogeschoolrotterdam.nl ⭃ Hogeschool Rotterdam
  • www.kabk.nl ⭃ Royal Academy of Art The Hague
  • www.loi.nl ⭃ LOI Distance Education
  • www.che.nl ⭃ Ede Christian University of Professional Education
  • www.dehaagsehogeschool.nl ⭃ The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  • www.artez.nl ⭃ ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
  • www.iss.nl ⭃ Erasmus University International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague

University for Humanistics

  • www.uvh.nl ⭃ University for Humanistics
  • www.rocvantwente.nl ⭃ ROC van Twente
  • www.stenden.com ⭃ Stenden University
  • www.msm.nl ⭃ Maastricht School of Management
  • www.sandberg.nl ⭃ Sandberg Institute
  • www.designacademy.nl ⭃ Design Academy Eindhoven
  • www.gerritrietveldacademie.nl ⭃ Gerrit Rietveld Academie
  • www.nti.nl ⭃ NTI Distance Education
  • www.koncon.nl ⭃ Royal Academy of Music and Dance

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