Unseen Comprehension about a farmer

Once there was a farmer in a village. He was very idle. He had a few plots of land. But he did not till them well. He did not sow seeds in time. So he could not get good crops. As a result, he was always in want of food.

The farmer had a kitchen garden near his house. One day he saw that the fencing could the garden was broken. He said to himself, “I shall repair the fencing tomorrow,” But he totally forgot it the next day.

Some days passed by. The farmer did not repair the broken fence. One day he sat idly before the house. He saw some goats entering the garden through the broken fence. He called his wife to drive the goats from the garden.

The farmer’s wife was cooking inside the kitchen. She came out and ran into the garden to drive away the goats. A dog was waiting outside the kitchen the kitchen. When the farmer’s wife went out, the dog entered the kitchen and spoiled some of the food cooked by her. The farmer hurried into the kitchen with a stick towards the dog, it hit his son and injured him.

All these troubles took place because of the broken fence. He understood that a stitch in time saves nine. So, we should not put off work for tomorrow.

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