Start your LIFE from "Zero Ground"

by Laila Parvin Himmel

- Mental Health Counselor, Admin & HR

First Published (linkedin): May 29, 2022

A well-known doctor said, we spend the first part of our life acquiring skills to earn, the middle part we spend just to earn money by running like a horse race, and the last part of our life we spend the earned money to treat the debilitating condition of our body and mind by running tirelessly whole life.

Start your LIFE from "Zero Ground"

After 40, people usually start to calculate what I got in life? What did I want to do, and what did I actually do? Most of them found the calculation not as expected. So from this age the risk of heart attack increases.

Research has shown that those who are sure of what they want in life, and why they want to live, have a much happier, more successful, healthy, and peaceful life. They rarely suffer from psychosomatic diseases.

As parents, we need to give our children a purpose in life from an early age. You can ask me how the purpose can be given. I will discuss this the other day. At least the child should be inspired from an early age so that he can find the goal or purpose and move forward. So no matter what storms come in life, our children will get back on track in time. Because no matter what happens, he will know where he has to go.

And at any time in life, one can start from "Zero Ground "at any age. So what we did, what happened, what we got etc.---- we have to finish these calculations quickly and start the journey anew.

We have to remember, that we are still alive, which means nature is still giving us opportunities. And nature just doesn’t do anything without any reason. This means we still have something to do. We must have to give ourselves another chance.

And Congratulations to those who already know about their purpose in life (means what they’re doing & why they’re doing it, what they want and why they want it)!

I am very sure that this journey of life is much more joyful, enjoyable, wonderful, and peaceful for them!


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