National University, Bangladesh
LL.B. Final Syllabus
Course Title: Law of Civil Procedure & Law of Limitation
Course Code: LAW 202
Total Marks: 100

Group-A : Law of Civil Procedure

  • Scope and Application of the Civil Procedure Code
  • Structure of the Code
  • Organization of Civil Courts in Bangladesh
  • Jurisdiction of Courts
  • Institution of Suits and Proceeding
  • Place of Suing
  • Parties to Suits
  • Service of Summons on Defendant
  • Recognized Agents and Advocates
  • examination of Parties Discovery
  • Admission
  • Arming of Issues and Interrogatories
  • Hearing of Suit
  • Default of Appearance
  • Stay of Suits
  • Rees Judicator
  • Bar to Further Suits
  • Execution of Decrees and Orders
  • Incidental and Supplement Proceedings
  • Procedure in Particular Classes of Suits-Pauper Suits
  • Inter-Pleader Suits
  • Temporary Injunction
  • Withdraw and Adjustment o f Suits
  • Commission
  • Arrest Attachment before Judgement
  • Appointment of Receiver
  • Inherent Power of Courts

Group-B : Law of Limitation

  • Limitation and Prescription
  • Object of law of Limitation
  • Condo nation pf Delay Objection
  • Limitation of suits 
  • Appeals and Application
  • Computation of Period of Limitation
  • Grounds of Exemption from Extension of Period of Limitation and Suspension of Limitation
  • Acquisition of ownership by possession
  • Acquisition of easement right
  • Limitation in suits for recovery of land
  • Effect of fraud and acknowledgement limitation
LLB Preliminary Syllabus | Law of Contract and Tort

N. B: There will be seven questions from group A, out of which four questions need be answered (4✕20=80). there will be two questions out of which one questions need to be answered (1✕20=20) [Total: 80+20=100].

Credit: National University, Bangladesh (

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