The word 'Simplification' is a noun. Simplifying makes a algebraic expressions easily understandable and solvable.

What is Simplification?

According to Cambridge Dictionary, The process of making something less complicated and therefore easier to do or understand, or the thing that results from this process:
  • The organization advises on the simplification of trade procedures.
  • This is a gross simplification of what actually happened.

Mathematical Concept:
To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms by canceling to the lowest common factor for both numerator and denominator or to condense an algebraic expressions by grouping and combining similar terms. Simplifying makes a algebraic expressions easily understandable and solvable. (from:

Learn how to simplify with BODMAS rule:

'BODMAS', We've named the simplification process easy to remember. By this rule (BODMAS), we can simplify mathematical expressions easily.

BODMAS Stands for letters:
B ↠ Bracket : ( ) { } [ ]

O ↠ Of or Orders

D ↠ Division

M ↠ Multiplication

A ↠ Addition

S ↠ Subtraction

According to BODMAS rule, we need to follow the following steps corresponding:
  • At first, We need to solve  brackets corresponding:  (), {}, []
  • Next: Of or Order
  • Next: Division or Multiplication
  • Finally: Addition  or Subtraction
Learn about: A Model

To know about BODMAS, follow the following photo attentively:


By following a few algebraic expressions, we can understand the BODMAS rule clearly. Please try to understand the below examples:

01. Example (Bracket related algebraic expressions):
[ 4 + { 3 + ( 7 + 2 ) - 5 } ]
= [ 4 + { 3 + 9 } - 5 ] (by completing First backer, according to BODMAS rule)
= [ 4 + 12 - 5 ] (by completing Second backer, according to BODMAS rule)
= [ 16 -5 ] ( Addition or Subtraction, as you with)
= 11 (Results)

02. Example:
20  ÷4 - 1 + 10✕2 - 8
= 5 - 1 + 20 - 8  (by completing Division & Multiplication)
= 5 + 20 - 1 - 8 (Rearranged: Positive and Negative values)
=  25 - 9 (by completing Addition)
= 16 (Results)

03. Example:
20 - [ { 10 + ( 12 - 6 ) - 4 } ]
= 20 - [  { 10 + 6 - 4 } ]
= 20 - [ { 16 -4 } ]
=  20 - [ 12]
= 20- 12
= 8

We have tried to show you basics form of simplification algebraic expressions, We believe that by following BODMAS rule, learner will be solved complex algebraic expressions easily. If you have a great idea, let's share to comments.

Thanks in Advance.

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