A dialogue about the benefits of early rising

Here is a dialogue between Mim and his friend Jim regarding the benefits of early rising.
Mim: Why are you so early in the morning here, Jim? Do you come here every day?
Jim: Not always. I occasionally come here, and you?

Mim: I always get up at least one hour before the sunrise and come here everyday just at 6 a.m.
Jim: What's the benefits?

Mim: Don't you know the proverb: "Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." The proverb contains the inner significance of early rising.
Jim: Make it clear please, Mim.

Mim: An early riser gets so many advantages. He can start his works early and as such he gets enough time to perform them properly.
Jim: Have there any other benefit of early rising?

Mim: Of course. He can enjoy morning fresh air and oxygen.
Jim: What are the demerits of late rising?

Mim: A late riser wastes a lot of his time in sleeping. So he doesn't have enough time to finish his works properly. Moreover, he can't enjoy morning fresh air and oxygen.
Jim: Thank you, Mim. I've learnt a lot of things from you about the benefit of early rising.

Mim: Early rising is really a good habit and we must cultivate this habit from the very beginning of our life.
Jim: Exactly! Thank you. Good bye.
Mim: Thank you. Good bye.

You can also read more: Dialogue

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