101. Only those who leave the straight road will fall into my pit. (Negative)
Answer: None but those who leave the straight road will fall into my pit.

102. Her parents liked her very much. (Negative)
Answer: Her parents didn’t dislike her.

103. She was a very hardworking and responsible loaner. (Negative)
Answer: She was not a lazy and irresponsible loaner.

104. Everybody wants friends. (Negative)
Answer: There is nobody who does not want friends.

105. He is a regular student. (Negative)
Answer: He is not an irregular student.

106. So the illiteracy rate in Bangladesh is very poor. (Negative)
Answer: So the illiteracy rate in Bangladesh is not very high.

107. It is the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate. (Interrogative)
Answer: Isn’t the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate?

108. She passed her time in reading and writing. (Interrogative)
Answer: Didn’t she pass her time in reading and writing?

109. He can succeed in life. (Interrogative)
Answer: Can’t he succeed in life?

110. You cannot be happy without it. (Interrogative)
Answer: Can you be happy without it?

111. The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Interrogative)
Answer: Don’t the books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas?

112. Everybody respect a truthful person. (Interrogative)
Answer: Who does not respect a truthful person?

113. Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)
Answer: Who does not know this?

114. My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Interrogative)
Answer: Didn’t my friend invite me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar?

115. We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative)
Answer: Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?

116. The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Interrogative)
Answer: Don’t the books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas?

117. I wish I could visit this place. (Exclamatory)
Answer: If I could visit this place!

118. I was very glad to see the sea-beach. (Exclamatory)
Answer: How glad I was to see the sea-beach!

119. The scenery of the school is very charming. (Exclamatory)
Answer: How charming the scenery of the school is!

120. Social awareness is very essential to resist corruption. (Exclamatory)
Answer: How essential social awareness is to resist corruption!

121. Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)
Answer: What an exciting game cricket is!

122. Amina’s life was very difficult. (Exclamatory)
Answer: How difficult Amina’s life was!

123. Poverty is the greatest problem in our country. (Positive)
Answer: No other problem in our country is so great as poverty.

124. Books are the greatest friends. (Positive)
Answer: No other friend is as great as books.

125. A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Positive)
Answer: A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.

126. Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society. (Positive)
Answer: No other weapon is as dangerous as corruption to destroy a society.

127. There scarifies is greater than any other thing. (Positive)
Answer: No other thing is as great as there scarifies.

128. It was on of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Positive)
Answer: Very few journeys in my life were as memorable as it.

129. It is one of the most famous schools in our district. (Comparative)
Answer: It is more famous than most other schools in our district.

130. Mango is one of the sweetest fruits in the world. (Comparative)
Answer: Mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world.

131. No other problem in Bangladesh is as great as illiteracy. (Comparative)
Answer: Illiteracy is greater than any other problem in Bangladesh.

132. At present cricket is the most popular game in our country.(Comparative)
Answer: At present cricket is popular than any other game in our country.

133. Very few countries in the world are as populous as it. (Comparative)
Answer: It is more populous than most other countries in the world.

134. Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in man. (Comparative)
Answer: Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue in man.

135. The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. (Comparative)
Answer: The Padma is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh.

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